Simply, because of
the change, so no surprise here.
She seems to be tired and not bringing anything new but it may be her advantage as Europe desperately needs stability, experience and leadership
at this time.
Europe needs her as a symbol of stability after
few rounds of Greek crisis, ongoing rise of populism in Europe and around the
world of which the last proof is Donald Trump becoming the US president.
Without the experienced leader, stability, pragmatism and realistic view Europe
cannot reinvent itself.
All of that is happening when her close allay on
international scene Barrack Obama is
leaving White House, the UK has no
idea how to pursue with Brexit, French president Francois Hollande is not very popular
(nicely said) and Marine Le Pen is
gaining support on international scene and of course not to forget about
Russian president Vladimir Putin who
is actively working on creating the chaos
and split between Western leaders.
Europe needs
an experienced leader who can deal with problems like refugees
crisis as well as to face the unpredictability
that may come from Washington in
terms of security and protectionism.
Her strength
as well as weakness lies in her
being the last one who can defend the basic principles of liberalism and free trade. She is very pragmatic
and sometimes invisible, what is a good contrast to populists, like those
who pushed the UK to Brexit situation.
Angela Merkel’s victory can bring the hope for a change on the continent.
Good luck Champs!
Mr Hawk
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