Simply, because of
the change. Europe
needs to redefine itself in the field of:
- Whether to continue with a closer cooperation or return
some of the decision making powers
back to national governments. We believe going back is not the smartest
move as it would lead to fragmentation and loss of benefits of common market.
and military perspective – still
growing threats from Russia and terrorism will lead to redefining and creation of
EU army and closer police cooperation. All of that is also happening in the light
of Donald Trump becoming the US president and questioning the role of NATO
especially, in Eastern Europe.
immigration and external borders
protection – is the deal with Turkey really good for EU? The EU must have a
full control of its borders as it is not possible for thousands of refugees to
freely move across the continent. Also having a deal with the antidemocratic
leader doesn’t bode well for democratic values.
Economic and
international trade – well, as the EU
is the largest market in the world as well as largest trading partner for China,
definitely should benefit from it. It should also take advantage of its
position on the back of likely upcoming protectionism from US side. Actually,
the last week’s ASEAN meeting can be an interesting inspiration as Asian
countries are open to closer cooperation without US. Why not to join such an initiative
from EU side as well when Americans don’t want?
populism and nationalism in
Europe – European public will have a unique chance to express their wishes in
the upcoming referendum in Italy and elections in Austria, Netherlands, France,
Germany, Czech Republic and Slovenia, and decide whether Europe should follow
the path of irresponsible promises without accountability. The only thing EU
needs right now is pragmatism and leadership what leads us to German elections
and Sunday’s official announcement of Angela Merkel to run for a Chancellor again.
Good luck Champs!
Mr Hawk
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