Sunday, 6 November 2016

Nov 6, 2016 - (Weekly Tech Overview) US Elections: Clinton vs Trump - MXNJPY vs CHFPLN


You may wonder why we are discussing here non-USD related crosess ?

1. We do believe that extreme FX moves may happen outside of the dollar basket (due to lack of liquidity as one of the reason)

2. We are going to watch the USD moves real time and you are welcome to join us as well. Please follow Us on Twitter


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Before we start I strongly recommend to check Madam or Mister? What are our market expectations?

Ok, let's start now!

1. Hillary Clinton WINS:

MXNJPY long position as Trade of the Month:

- Risk-on trade
- Supported by Technical Analysis (Weekly Chart below)
- Reverse of current overall MXN weakness (mostly because of Trump camp strength)
- Reverse of current JPY strength (safe heaven flow)
- MXN may find support in Oil (if Hedge Funds decide to get back to buy oil/sell gold idea)

MXNJPY Weekly chart:

2. Donald Trump WINS:

CHFPLN long/adding to long position (this is an update to our Weekly Tech Overview from Sep 13, 2016 available here), so far so good as bulls were able to close above psychological 4.00 level:

- Risk-off trade
- CHF safe heaven flow
- PLN political uncertenity adding to the weakness
- PLN weak fundamentals

- Possible SNB intervention with EURCHF below 1.08
- Possible NBP (Polish Central Bank) intervention (casue of the end of the year and CHF borrowers in Poland)

CHFPLN Weekly chart (from September):

Please let us know should you have any additional questions or you would like to discuss other crosses as well. We are here to help you, just contact us at: landoftradingATgmailDOTcom.

Mr Price Action

DISCLAIMER: This material was created for informational purposes only and represents the Land of Trading team’s view of the past and current economic and capital market environment. It is not an investment advice and should not be viewed that way at all, and the creators of this material cannot be held liable for any potential losses resulting from trading, where despite this disclaimer someone would consider this material as an investment advice.

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