Wednesday, 31 May 2017

May 31, 2017 - Market Update

Short recap

Asia up on better steel industry performance that pushed China factory activity higher
Europe opening mixed

Trump's head of communication is leaving – who knows why?
Wouldn’t be better if Trump has left and all the other staff members stay? The problem is solved then…
USDCNH down as overnight funding rising
EU Commission proposing EMU gov debt securitization (thus packaging debt of different countries together)
After GE refused the idea of Eurobonds


Vivendi closer to controlling Telecom Italia on EU antitrust approval
Struggling IT banks Banca Popolare di Vicenza and Veneto Banca – one of the options is to close them if no state aid solution is agreed on
LSE buying bond data and index business from Citi (USD 685 mln)
Amazon above USD 1000 watermark to attract more buyers
As analyst expect another 10% push higher on average
Gilead Sciences and GlaxoSmithKline go tough in HIV drugs
Goldman Sachs bought USD 2.8 bln bonds of Petroleos de Venezuela bonds at discount
BlackRock CEO – US financial markets “probably fully priced in” and Q2 earnings could dissappoint

Few words on stocks…
Some argue that stock prices are too high but after considering the slow pace of interest rates rise, they are reasonable for the time being. Of course, staying vigilant is important but some sectors like mining or Japanese equities (trading at 20% discount to US peers) may be of interest. Earnings are solid, still favorable to be investing in stocks based on earnings performance, few unknowns on the horizon like North Korea, Trump, China growth or possible snap elections in Italy as we head to quiet summer period.

So what’s next? Well, the ECB’s possible wording adjustment in June and then Fed’s 3rd rate hike and taper in H2.

HP to report the slide in earnings amid the push towards more focussed strategy and data center hardware business
Palo Alto Networks to report lower profit despite fast-growing cyber security industry. In case of the company, the competition bites.


10-yr Trys yield at 2.22%%
10-yr Bund yield at 0.28%
Brainard dovish on soft inflation (thus pushing Trys yields lower) but expecting rate hike pretty soon


Month end flows likely visible
Closing below 1.1140/55 range the 1.1000 is in sight
As the next likely 1.0840
1.1000 – growing in importance
1.1128 (61.8% Fibo Nov/Jan)

Expiring options around 1.1150 level, towards 1.1200 and large at 1.1250


Resistance at 111.00
Next 50 DMA at 111.21 and 50% Fibo at 111.24
200 DMA at 110.20 – a pretty strong support right above 110.00 level


Polls changing the game and potentially election outcome for May
As she may not be able to form the government alone what in turn would weaken UK’s negotiation position in Brexit talks
1.2775 is the next to watch, followed by 200/100 DMA at 1.2586/1.2573 levels


EZ: Flash CPI
Core CPI should move back close to 0.8% level (market expectation 1.0%) vs 1.2% prior
CPI expected at 1.5% vs 1.9% prior

Former FBI director James Comey to testify before Senate (tentative)
Beige Book
ECB’s Coeure (0720 GMT), Lautenschlaeger (1230 GMT)
Fed’s Kaplan (1200 GMT), Williams (2330 GMT)

ECB’s Villeroy
Fed’s Powell

US NFPs 185k exp vs 211k prior
Unempl. rate 4.4% exp vs 4.4% prior
Average earnings +0.2% exp vs +0.3% prior
Fed’s Harker
EU-China Business summit (Juncker/Li)

June 8 – ECB meeting – Draghi being alone but inflation data from US and JP suggesting ECB to carry on with ultra-loose stimulus
June 8 – UK elections including Scotland, if SNP/Sturgeon wins the independence referendum likely to follow

June 11/18 – French Legislative (Parliamentary) elections (a big question mark for Macron to gain majority)

June 13/14 – FOMC meeting – hike probability was at 89% after yesterday’s data. If data supportive, we may see one hike in June, then in Sept followed by balance sheet reduction announcement in Dec

June 15/16 – EcoFin meeting to discuss Greece

Should you have any questions feel free to contact me anytime.

Good luck Champs!

Mr Hawk

DISCLAIMER: This material was created for informational purposes only and represents the Land of Trading team’s view of the past and current economic and capital market environment. It is not an investment advice and should not be viewed that way at all, and the creators of this material cannot be held liable for any potential losses resulting from trading, where despite this disclaimer someone would consider this material as an investment advice. All rights reserved ©2016. Contact: landoftradingATgmailDOTcom

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

May 30, 2017 - Market Update

Short recap

Asian stocks with cautious on Greece and Italy
China, Hong Kong closed on account of public holiday
Europe opening lower

Greece readying for not paying EUR 7 bln installment if bail out agreement/haircut not reached
Some banks in Italy and Portugal still facing issues
Macron met with Putin in Paris
Draghi is please by improving economy but stimulus/extra low rates to stay
Weidmann said that ultra-loose policy still appropriate


Akzo Nobel’s rejection of the offer from PPG Industries (EUR 25 bln) blessed by court
Clouds mounting over Canadian banks (Home Capital & real estate) as well as Australian banks (Chinese capital controls not boding well for Aussie real estate)
US equities printing new highs and volatility down putting global equities to positive light


10-yr Trys yield at 2.24%%
10-yr Bund yield at 0.30%


Under pressure from Greece, potential snap elections in Italy, mess around UK and dovish Draghi
IT to introduce a new election threshold for parties (5%+)
What in turn will reduce number of parties elected to 4 from current 10+
Greek debt not to be included to QE program from ECB anytime soon
Nor Greece financing themselves in the markets

1.1140/55 range acting as resistance
If we close below the 1.1000 in sight
If we break than the 1.0840 will likely be the next
1.1000 – growing importance 
1.1128 (61.8% Fibo Nov/Jan)
1.0978 (50.0% Fibo Nov/Jan)
Large option EUR 2.7 bln with strike 1.1100 expiring today


Offers around 111.50
Stops likely below 110.85 level, bids can show up on a break
Large options (USD 2 bln) with strikes below 111.00 expiring today
200 DMA at 110.15 – a pretty strong support…


GE: Flash CPI m/m expected at -0.1% and y/y expected at 1.6% vs 2.0% prior
US: PCE m/m expected at +0.1% vs -0.1% previous; y/y was 1.6% previously
ECB’s Liikanen (1015 GMT)
ECB’s Nowotny (1600 GMT)
Fed’s Brainard (1700 GMT)

EZ: Flash CPI – should move back to 0.8% level from 1.2% prior
Former FBI director James Comey to testify before Senate
Beige Book
ECB’s Coeure, Lautenschlaeger
Fed’s Kaplan, Williams

ECB’s Villeroy
Fed’s Powell

US NFPs 185k exp vs 211k prior
Unempl. rate 4.4% exp vs 4.4% prior
Average earnings +0.2% exp vs +0.3% prior
Fed’s Harker
EU-China Business summit (Juncker/Li)

June 8 – ECB meeting
June 8 – UK elections including Scotland, if SNP/Sturgeon wins the independence referendum likely to follow

June 11/18 – French Legislative (Parliamentary) elections (a big question mark for Macron to gain majority)
June 13/14 – FOMC meeting

June 15/16 – EcoFin meeting to discuss Greece

Should you have any questions feel free to contact me anytime.

Good luck Champs!

Mr Hawk

DISCLAIMER: This material was created for informational purposes only and represents the Land of Trading team’s view of the past and current economic and capital market environment. It is not an investment advice and should not be viewed that way at all, and the creators of this material cannot be held liable for any potential losses resulting from trading, where despite this disclaimer someone would consider this material as an investment advice. All rights reserved ©2016. Contact: landoftradingATgmailDOTcom

Monday, 29 May 2017

May 29, 2017 - Market Update

Short recap

Asia up
Europe opening higher but correcting
US & UK closed today on account of public holidays, some Asian countries as well

N. Korea playing with fire again
ZAR – Zuma still alive
Europe on its won after G7 and Merkel/Trump meeting
Tensions between US & EU mounting, nothing to change in the near term
Thank you Mr President for your kind EU/NATO wake up call
US to ban laptops from all flights in/out to US
US facing a shortage of houses while demand stays steady
What in turn will likely push prices higher in the years to come
Fed’s Williams – don’t want to disrupt the markets, medium term inflation trend “pretty favourable”


British Airways still experiencing issues with computer system
Investment conference in NY – may have some headlines on Q2 expectations from financials
Gazprom meeting with EU antitrust chief
Bombardier with first CS300 deliveries
US techs pushing US gov to increase privacy protection
Qualcomm to pay BlackBerry USD 940 mln in royalties
Chinese real estate companies flying high…may be too high…
Aramco – after LSE, NYSE it is now turn for Canadian TSE to lure IPO listing relying on its natural resources expertize


10-yr Trys yield at 2.25%%
10-yr Bund yield at 0.33%

Quiet trading ahead of ECB and Fed June meetings
GE/EZ inflation data to show whether ECB is right with staying cautious on inflation ahead of June 8 meeting
Italy – markets will start to focus on Italy at some point
As EZ grows but Italy doesn’t
Japanese insurers like US bonds more over European papers (staying cautious)
They usually lend them to banks to earn extra income


1.1160 still acting as a support
1.1200 heavy as a resistance
1.1314 (76.4% Fibo)
1.1128 (61.8% Fibo)
Large option EUR 2.7 bln with strike 1.1100 expiring tomorrow
May point lower as we had an inverted hammer on weekly chart
And DXY found support above 96.44 (38.2% Fibo)


Offers around 111.50
50 DMA at 111.23 and 50% Fibo at 111.24 acting as support


Looking to buy pullbacks as favorite scenario for now...

Weekly Commodity - Full article link

Tough week for commodities, crude, industrial metals, soybeans down, corn and wheat traders still hesitant


ECB’s Nowotny (0715 GMT)
ECB’s Draghi (1300 GMT)
ECB’s Weidmann

GE: Flash CPI
US: PCE m/m expected at +0.1% vs -0.1% previous; y/y was 1.6% previously
Fed’s Brainard

EZ: Flash CPI – should move back to 0.8% level from 1.2% prior
Former FBI director James Comey to testify before Senate
Beige Book
ECB’s Coeure, Lautenschlaeger
Fed’s Kaplan, Williams

ECB’s Villeroy
Fed’s Powell

US NFPs 185k exp vs 211k prior
Unempl. rate 4.4% exp vs 4.4% prior
Average earnings +0.2% exp vs +0.3% prior
Fed’s Harker
EU-China Business summit (Juncker/Li)

June 8 – ECB meeting
June 8 – UK elections including Scotland, if SNP/Sturgeon wins the independence referendum likely to follow
June 11/18 – French Legislative (Parliamentary) elections (a big question mark for Macron to gain majority)
June 13/14 – FOMC meeting

Should you have any questions feel free to contact me anytime.

Good luck Champs!

Mr Hawk

DISCLAIMER: This material was created for informational purposes only and represents the Land of Trading team’s view of the past and current economic and capital market environment. It is not an investment advice and should not be viewed that way at all, and the creators of this material cannot be held liable for any potential losses resulting from trading, where despite this disclaimer someone would consider this material as an investment advice. All rights reserved ©2016. Contact: landoftradingATgmailDOTcom

Sunday, 28 May 2017

May 28, 2017 - Weekly Commodity - tough week for commodities, crude, industrial metals, soybeans down, corn and wheat traders still hesitant

Last week the Bloomberg Commodity index fell 0.8%. One of the reason was that traders were disappointed not getting any juicy surprise from OPEC on Thursday. While precious metals gained, industrial metals fell on both supply and demand news and downgraded China. Soybeans dropped on possible decline in imports to China and Sugar fell on surprise year on year rise in Brazilian sugar production. Corn and Wheat still waiting for direction as Crop Progress report on Tuesday will show where the sowing and quality estimates are currently. So plenty of interesting topics, let’s look deeper at some of them.

Crude oil

The market participants were disappointed by the OPEC agreement despite the fact that the headline news came out as expected, the cartel extended the output cut by another 9 month. However this was already well priced in and there were no more buyers to jump on after the announcement and investors took some profits after the rally of the previous week. The market was waiting for something more, some positive surprise not mentioned earlier, like a deeper cut or a limit to exports as we mentioned in our Story of the Week piece. Still, the agreement will limit crude supplies more than in the first half of the year due to higher demand and lower crude stocks expected. So now after the market digest over the weekend the agreement we can easily see a continuation of the Friday rebound.

My key note on this is while US shale is more effective and can further increase production, the pace of increase will slow down next year. On the other hand the next year for Saudi Arabia is very important due to the planned Aramco IPO, and they are too smart to let crude stay where it is now.


The indecision in the corn (and wheat) market lasts for 5 weeks already and this is clearly visible if you look at the weekly candlesticks, small bodies, long shadows… So what’s next? Well the coming week will be important as the USDA will release its Crop Progress report on Tuesday and the data can cause a volatile reaction both ways. According to the last report the corn sowing was just slightly behind the 5 year average, however there are more and more rumours that farmers needed to replant corn in many areas. Given the huge hedge fund shorts the upside move could cause short liquidation. I will try to find some time to prepare a short overview before the release, what to watch. Short term this is the main data of the week which will very likely move the market.
We also have to take into consideration the excessive moisture on the North America causing problems not only in the US but in Canada too. The market last week ignored the latest Cattle on feed report which came out at 1.85 mil head, which is  11% above 2016. This means the demand side of the corn market is rising.


I dont like to write about too many commodities but this time soybean is worth to mention. The complex was hit by rumours that China may cancel imports from US as the soybean crush margins are still negative and the situation is worsening. The crop broke the key support at 930 which opens room to further decline and even the test of 850 level could not be ruled out give the increasing compention fro Argentine and Brazil. 


Raw Sugar futures fell to 13 month low after Brazilian fuel prices were cut last week. Lower gasoline prices mean pressure for ethanol prices and this means that the ethanol parity is declining. This is pushing the key support for sugar well below $15 as it makes sugar more profitable for the sugar mills to produce sugar. Adding to this last week, Brazilian sugar mills crushed more cane than expected and produced by 35,000 tonnes more raw sugar year on year during the first 2 weeks of May versus the expected drop of 225,000 tones... Given the weakening real I’m wondering what keeps sugar prices still above $15 (there is no daily price limit on ICE). We maintain our downside view which could be offset by weather shocks of course so proper money management must be in place.

Good Luck and remember to watch your risk and be consistent

Mr. Tech Man

DISCLAIMER: This material was created for informational purposes only and represents the Land of Trading team’s view of the past and current economic and capital market environment. It is not an investment advice and should not be viewed that way at all, and the creators of this material cannot be held liable for any potential losses resulting from trading, where despite this disclaimer someone would consider this material as an investment advice. All rights reserved ©2016. 

Contact: landoftradingATgmailDOTcom, Blog:

Friday, 26 May 2017

May 26, 2017 - Market Update

Short recap

Asia down as OPEC disappointed the market by not delivering what traders hoped for
Cut extended for 9 and not 12 months, expected deeper cuts
Oil was down 5% and still heavy today
Europe opening lower

Risk off continues on OPEC, lower yields and dovish Bullard (inflation worrisome, Fed aggressive)
Looking forward to balance sheet reduction in H2

Trump’s son-in-law who is a part of his senior advisers team is under FBI investigation over Russia
USD 20 bln Blackstone-Saudis deal underlies how important Blackstone is for Kushner’s family
As they borrowed from the company few hundred mlns and company worked on their NY mansion

Moody’s - China not able to curb the debt, risk of another downgrade
China to change Yuan fixing formula to adjust for lower volatility
China not to pursue a competitive devaluation

UK consumers hit by rising prices
UK’s May falling in polls, GBP down


Full “bail in” talk of regional banks Popolare di Vicenza and Veneto Banca
Denied by officials
GM facing a lawsuit over emissions
Ford behind GM in new models
Canadian banks don’t see the threat to their business from fallout of Home Capital


10-yr Trys yield at 2.25%%
10-yr Bund yield at 0.36%

Fed funds rate vs EURUSD  link


Offers around 1.1250-60
Still lots of bid below
1.1314 (76.4% Fibo)
1.1128 (61.8% Fibo)


Bids towards 111.50, more towards 111.00 – range with heavy option expiries as well
Offers may be present going to 112.00
50 DMA at 111.25 and 50% Fibo at 111.24 acting as support

Iron ore
Inventories highest since 2004 (136 mln tonnes)
Important support 450


G7 meeting (growth, employment, security)
ECB’s Coeure (2000 GMT)

May 31 – former FBI director James Comey to testify before Senate
June 8 – ECB meeting
June 8 – UK elections
June 11/18 – French Legislative (Parliamentary) elections (a big question mark for Macron to gain majority)
June 13/14 – FOMC meeting

Should you have any questions feel free to contact me anytime.

Good luck Champs!

Mr Hawk

DISCLAIMER: This material was created for informational purposes only and represents the Land of Trading team’s view of the past and current economic and capital market environment. It is not an investment advice and should not be viewed that way at all, and the creators of this material cannot be held liable for any potential losses resulting from trading, where despite this disclaimer someone would consider this material as an investment advice. All rights reserved ©2016. Contact: landoftradingATgmailDOTcom

Thursday, 25 May 2017

May 25, 2017 - Story of the week: OPEC meeting – few thoughts and what to focus on today

There is a lot in stake for OPEC during today’s meeting in Vienna - Austria, for all participants. Some of the OPEC members have more to lose than others but at the end everybody needs to keep oil prices higher, the main reason is that their government’s budgets are highly relying on oil income. The equation is very simple: same or little higher production – much lower prices – much less income. But there are some other factors due to particular members may want higher oil prices than others.

Crude exports

At the end of last year OPEC countries and Russia agreed to cut their oil production by 1.8 mil bpd. However the effect of the production cut started to fade after few months as US Shale oil producers managed to lock in prices higher than their costs and since then they are opening one oil field after another bringing the US oil production again back close to 10mil bpd. The other reason the effect of the cut was limited was, that while the OPEC countries more or less complied with the production cut agreement there was no decision that they will also decrease exporting. Hence these countries continued to sell the approximately same amount of oil by emptying their stocks which obviously meant there was no real change in supply. However with OPEC oil stocks lower and summer demand picking up, the extension may have a more balancing effect this time. Therefore the many will search in the agreement today for the word “export”…

US shale oil

The rising US oil production is definitely against bringing the balance back to the market. While before the slump in oil prices the break even for many of the shale oil companies was around $80 per barrel, the companies managed to increase efficiency and the costs were brought down below $55 on average almost in any shale oil basin. The steadily growing number of active oil rigs is confirming the fact that shale oil producers managed to hedge their future production well above their costs and this will mean that for OPEC the balance on the oil market will be harder to achieve.
The US shale oil industry is far from what it’s in the OPEC countries or Russia where the state owned oil companies dominate. In the US the industry is based on free competition with a lot of independent companies. A lot of them bankrupted in the last 2 years but the production capacities was bought by the rest of the industry so there was a much smaller decline than initially anticipated by OPEC.

Aramco IPO

Saudi Arabia’s planning to sell around 5% of shares of the countries giant oil and gas producers Aramco. This is one of the main reasons Saudi Arabia is pushing for higher oil prices as the valuation of the company mainly depends on the dollar value of the Saudi oil reserves. As the country is changing the taxation regime of Aramco while the production decision will stay purely in government hands to make it look better, this also shows how needed a good valuation of the company.

These are just few factors affecting the decision today but definitely the market is expecting a move from OPEC. The positive thing is that lately Iraq also agreed to join the extension of the cut after the Saudi oil minister visited his counterparty. However the big question everybody is asking now is if the extension will be enough to keep the traders bullish. Many are speculating that OPEC may also increase the amount of the production cut. This was for now not mentioned by the participants. The second question after regarding the deal will be the member’s compliance with the agreement in the coming months that was the key question in 1H of 2017.

Summary what to watch

1.      If extending the production cut by how much (6-9 months expected)
2.      If anything about exports in the wording of the agreement
3.      If any increase of production
4.      If Russia will join the extension (crucial)

OPEC/Non-OPEC meeting

0800 GMT - OPEC meeting 
1300 GMT - OPEC/Non-OPEC meeting 
1500 GMT - Joint press conference 
Full schedule  link 

Good Luck and remember to watch your risk and be consistent

Mr Tech Man

DISCLAIMER: This material was created for informational purposes only and represents the Land of Trading team’s view of the past and current economic and capital market environment. It is not an investment advice and should not be viewed that way at all, and the creators of this material cannot be held liable for any potential losses resulting from trading, where despite this disclaimer someone would consider this material as an investment advice. All rights reserved ©2016. 

Contact: landoftradingATgmailDOTcom, Blog:

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

May 24, 2017 - Market Update

Short recap

Asia effected by China downgrade
Europe opening lower

Markets shifting focus from risk off set up to June FOMC meeting
1st Trump budget sent to Congress, being ignored as such?
Moody’s downgraded China to A1 from AA3, outlook to stable from negative
On the back of debt burden and its implications on public finances, and slowing growth
Only 12% of debt owned by foreigners, should not send shock waves across EM
Bernanke – BoJ should coordinate fiscal spending plan with gov to reach 2% inflation
While staying debt neutral
US housing on track


Bunge declined any talks with Glencore 
FiatChrysler officially facing an emission cheating legal action
Apple and Nokia friends and in love again, Apple looking to buy more from Nokia
Or more tighter partnership coming? Health, patents, royalties…
Shell selling its stake in Canadian Natural (CAD 4.1 bln)
Cyber security demand pleasing BlackBerry
McDonald’s to face some protests about wages, unions

HP should benefit from more stability in PC market and effects of restructuring


10-yr Trys yield at 2.28%%
10-yr Bund yield at 0.41%

Market getting more comfortable with June rate hike (probability of 78%, two more hikes this year probability at 43%)
As the yield in 52-week bill auction comes to 1.145%, highest since 2008
And 2-yr note at 1.316% (strong auction) highest since 2008 (May 10 high at 1.360%)


US yields helped USD
Still need a deeper break of 100 HMA at 1.1182
Support clinging around 1.1160 with orders sitting there
But market is looking at 1.1100 now
Market keeps speculating about ECB change of rhetoric at June 8 meeting
Despite recent speeches by officials - not open to such thoughts: QE taper first, then rate hikes

Offers likely above 112.00 (38.2% Fibo at 111.98 and USD 2.6 bln option with strike at 112.00 expiring today)
Ichimoku at 111.81, bids likely below 111.70
50 DMA at 111.32 and 50% Fibo at 111.24 acting as support

Iron ore down approx. 7% on China downgrade
While its inventories keep rising in China
Prices hitting the lows of the cycle, negatively impacting AUD as well

Crude oil
Oil remains bid but further rise is limited due to US shale and slowing China
Crucial whether the potential cut is also on export side, not just in production


ECB’s Praet (0830 GMT)
ECB’s Draghi (1245 GMT)
Fed’s Kaplan (2200 GMT)
Fed’s Kashkari

FOMC Minutes – to bring a bit of hawkish tone as Fed feels that Q1 data were transitory
Minutes remind market that Fed is on the watch list going to June meeting again
Focus on interpretation of inflation, taper strategy and job market (slack/no slack)

Thu – OPEC/Non-OPEC meeting
OPEC meeting 0800 GMT
OPEC/Non-OPEC meeting 1300 GMT
OPEC Joint press conference 1500 GMT
Full schedule  link
Expect headlines as attendees arrive

Fri – G7 meeting

May 31 – former FBI director James Comey to testify before Senate
June 8 – ECB meeting
June 8 – UK elections
June 11/18 – French Legislative (Parliamentary) elections (a big question mark for Macron to gain majority)
June 13/14 – FOMC meeting 

Should you have any questions feel free to contact me anytime.

Good luck Champs!

Mr Hawk

DISCLAIMER: This material was created for informational purposes only and represents the Land of Trading team’s view of the past and current economic and capital market environment. It is not an investment advice and should not be viewed that way at all, and the creators of this material cannot be held liable for any potential losses resulting from trading, where despite this disclaimer someone would consider this material as an investment advice. All rights reserved ©2016. Contact: landoftradingATgmailDOTcom

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Mar 23, 2017 - How is June Fed hike priced in?

Just a brief update among all the Trump related Russian mess...

Fed hike - currently June hike priced at 78% and next one at 43%. Meaning, the market is pricing 2 more hikes this yr at 43% probability.

Fed likely to pause after June.

Should you have any questions feel free to contact me anytime.

Good luck Champs!

Mr Hawk

DISCLAIMER: This material was created for informational purposes only and represents the Land of Trading team’s view of the past and current economic and capital market environment. It is not an investment advice and should not be viewed that way at all, and the creators of this material cannot be held liable for any potential losses resulting from trading, where despite this disclaimer someone would consider this material as an investment advice. All rights reserved ©2016. Contact: landoftradingATgmailDOTcom

May 23, 2017 - Market Update

Short recap

Europe opening higher
GBP volatile on Manchester bomb attack

Merkel’s comments about weak EUR were more preparation ahead of today’s visit of Trump
As well as preparation for Sep elections as Germans like strong EUR (DEM) while don’t mind to kick a bit ECB
Trump acting as a mediator Muslim states, Israel and Iran
Trump’s budget – to cut gov spending like healthcare and social programs (USD 3.6 trln over 10 yrs)
Trump still caught in Russian scandal
Russian cyber attacks via Android targeted banks


Boeing taking on Bombardier on experience from Airbus
Swiss watch makers facing declines in sales
Noble down 28%, halted, downgrade and facing bankruptcy
M&As hitting new highs between US and EU companies


10-yr Trys yield at 2.23%
10-yr Bund yield at 0.37%

Greek debt relief not yet but likely going to July payment on IMF request
Would face German pre-election opposition
Greek 2-yr yield to 5.25% from around 9.50% in Feb

DXY staying very weak

Yesterday’s/overnight move higher likely coming from new demand and short covering, Merkel and more bullish view of EZ assets
Overall EURUSD is well overdone
Critical 1.1300 may attract speculators
But EURUSD may even check the levels like 1.1314 (76.4% Fibo of May 2016-Jan 2017 move)

Not much volatility overnight after initial JPY strength on Manchester attack
Bids seem sitting below 111.00
Offers may be about 111.35
55 DMA at 111.34 and 50% Fibo at 111.24 acting as resistance

Gold daily
Resitance 1286 (76.4% Fibo)
Support 1255 (61.8% Fibo)

Crude oil
OPEC/Non-OPEC meeting on Thursday
9-month cut extension already priced in
Trump’s proposal to sell half of strategic reserves (344 mln barrels)
What would add daily 100k barrels of new oil over the next 10 years


Last day of Eurogroup meeting
Fed’s Kashkari speaking (1300 GMT)
Hammond, Schauble, Guindos speaking (1430 GMT)
ECB’ Coeure speaking (1500 GMT)
Fed’s Harker speaking (2100 GMT)

Wed – FOMC Minutes
Thu – OPEC/Non-OPEC meeting
Fri – G7 meeting

May 31 – former FBI director James Comey to testify before Senate (rescheduled)
June 8 – ECB meeting
June 8 – UK elections
June 11/18 – French Legislative (Parliamentary) elections (a big question mark for Macron to gain majority)
June 13/14 – FOMC meeting

Should you have any questions feel free to contact me anytime.

Good luck Champs!

Mr Hawk

DISCLAIMER: This material was created for informational purposes only and represents the Land of Trading team’s view of the past and current economic and capital market environment. It is not an investment advice and should not be viewed that way at all, and the creators of this material cannot be held liable for any potential losses resulting from trading, where despite this disclaimer someone would consider this material as an investment advice. All rights reserved ©2016. Contact: landoftradingATgmailDOTcom

Monday, 22 May 2017

May 22, 2017 - (Weekly Tech Overview) USDJPY, Gold (XAUUSD) and GBPUSD

Hi all,
Three charts below and we do think they might be very interested from both - bullish and bearish - perspective:

USDJPY Weekly chart:

GOLD (XAUUSD) Weekly chart:

GBPUSD Weekly chart:

Join Us:

Please don't hesitate to contact Us should you have additional questions.
We are here to help you, just contact us at: landoftradingATgmailDOTcom.

Happy Trading

Mr Price Action

DISCLAIMER: This material was created for informational purposes only and represents the Land of Trading team’s view of the past and current economic and capital market environment. It is not an investment advice and should not be viewed that way at all, and the creators of this material cannot be held liable for any potential losses resulting from trading, where despite this disclaimer someone would consider this material as an investment advice. All rights reserved ©2016. 

Contact: landoftradingATgmailDOTcom, Blog:

Sunday, 21 May 2017

May 21, 2017 - Weekly Commodity - Oil traders waiting for Opec, rain challenging US crops , sugar rejected ethanol parity

Last week the US and Brazilian politics were making the main headlines. Continuous weakening of US dollar supported commodities while the depreciation of Real had a negative effect on sugar, coffee and soybeans. The weak Brazilian real caused a liquidation of 5mil. tone of soybean stocks in only one day. Raw sugar got extra support on Friday from the rains forecasted for the cane crushing regions of Brazil. Crude oil prices supported by oil minister statements (Saudi Arabia and Russia) regarding OPEC production cut extension. The US farmers keep fighting their battle with cold weather and high moisture, corn sowing still below average. 

Crude Oil

The oil market is now focusing on the upcoming OPEC meeting (25th May) where countries producing oil and Russia are expected to agree on an extension of the production cut by 6-9 months. The expected positive outcome of a production cut extension and the increasing demand are the 2 main factors that can help to recover the oil prices. The production cut up to now however didn’t decrease supplies as OPEC members  were emptying their oil reserves which are much lower now. This means the extension would bring a real drop in oil supply this time and in combination with the expected increase in demand for 2H this could cause a signficant rise in oil prices. I will publish a deeper, fact digging article later this week ahead of the OPEC meeting.

Technically WTI closed the week above psychological $50 level and if you are not log yet, probably you could still think about going long or start to build a long positions as in case extension the price can easily break out from the flag and reach new highs in the $60/b area. The tricky part here is the impact of US shale producers hedging activity usually pushing prices down. Even this will effect mostly the longer expiries (1+ year from now) I would probably take some profits around January highs ($50/b) if the closest contracts reach it.


The grain market is focusing on the North American weather still as current moisture is hitting two crops the same time. While the wheat harvest is just starting, the rain and cold weather may cause potentially yield and quality problems as well as spreading crop disease. However it's hard to assess the damage at this phase. Corn sowing is slowed down by moisture and as I mentioned earlier there are fears if the rains will not stop the farmers will eventually switch from corn to soybean which could be planted a little later.  This could result in jump in corn prices and further drop in soybean. Also don't forget the huge corn net short in hedge fund positioning, which could result in a short coverage and jump in prices.

Technically we saw a false break to the downside from the triangle on Corn chart. There is a higher short squeeze potential in the corn makret (MM increase their already huge net short positions more than expected) that could be triggered by further sowing delay and hence farmers shifting potentially to soybeans. This may also trigger a bear run in Soybeans breaking down through the October lows.


The last week in the Sugar market was more about Government crisis in Brazil than the fundamentals. Due to the weakening of Brazilian real the Sugar prices slid down toward 15 cents levels. However at the end of the week sugar prices recovered above 16 cents again due to further rain forecasted in the cane growing regions of Brazil. The other supporting case for sugar is that the market reached the 15 cent ethanol parity zone in Brazil below which it’s more economic for mills to produce ethanol instead of sugar.This could eventually result in less sugar production as expected.

Technically there is some upside potential short term to retest the H&S neckline and the last low before the sell-off at 18 cents. There is a high probability of range trading for several weeks between 15-17 cents until the market start to sell again. The Brazilian ethanol parity will provide strong support @15 cents until the cane crush season is over.

Good Luck and remember to watch your risk and be consistent

Mr. Tech Man

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