Sunday, 4 December 2016

Dec 04, 2016, Live Trading Room - You don’t know Piotr?! Come on, you better do…

You don’t know Piotr?! Come on, you better do…

He started with FX trading in 2002 and immediately after his „IPO” in the market he was in a strong downtrend (in other words his account balance was somehow declining rapidly). 
In 2005 and on he had a consolidation period during which he started to see the light at the end of the tunel somewhere around 2008/09 and entered into the accumulation phase. 
Since then, he is in a steady uptrend and making money from FX trading.

Would you like to learn how he does it? If you really do, join our Free Live Trading Room with Piotr at

His working experience also includes performing as a sales trader at international investment bank, working as a trader for a family and hedge fund.

Should you are curious about his expertise feel free to watch his previous Live Trading Rooms ( 100+ videos in Polish and English language) that are available here:

Please let us know should you have any additional questions or you would like to discuss other crosses as well. We are here to help you, just contact us at: landoftradingATgmailDOTcom.

Happy Trading

Mr Price Action

DISCLAIMER: This material was created for informational purposes only and represents the Land of Trading team’s view of the past and current economic and capital market environment. It is not an investment advice and should not be viewed that way at all, and the creators of this material cannot be held liable for any potential losses resulting from trading, where despite this disclaimer someone would consider this material as an investment advice. All rights reserved ©2016. Contact:


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