Saturday, 10 December 2016

Dec 14, 2016 - (Trade Idea) USDPLN higher twds 5 and 5,60 in 2017 ( wait for pullback )


When you don't have an idea how to fix the economic problems in your country but desperately hoping for running a government, then populism comes into play. The thing is that you can be seen by general public as "Mr Fix it" but the markets will tell you the true story anyway. And that is what we do expect will happen in Poland in 2017.

The PiS (ruling party in Poland) does not have any idea what to do and how to run the country, so what they can do at best is to make a lot of noise around trying to avoid discussion about the economy. And so far it works...

My conspiracy theory is saying that is the invitation for speculators (sure, then you can blame them for everything lol).

As you know we are sceptical about Polish economy and we correctly predicted PLN weaknes vs CHF here, here and here. As we are only 25% short PLN of the original size (vs CHF) we are patiently waiting for USDPLN correction to have a chance to rebuild PLN short position .

We do expect further PLN weaknes in 2017 (technical analysis support our view as well).

Please let us know should you have any additional questions or you would like to discuss other crosses as well. We are here to help you, just contact us at: landoftradingATgmailDOTcom.

Happy Trading

Mr Price Action

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