Short recap
Asian in red on NoKo playing with fire again but market
corrected quickly
Europe opening mixed
ECB’s Weidmann out with comments like Draghi…getting
ready for his job?
Aug US inflation at 1.9%, core 1.7%, higher
than expected
Bringing Dec Fed hike to 50/50 probability
But economists predict Fed pausing…
Rupert Murdoch’s takeover of Sky not a done
deal yet
Nestle taking over Blue Bottle Coffee
Low commodity prices make CNOOC stop a feasibility
study of a LNG terminal in BC
Oil price above USD 50 bringing stability to US
Upcoming Trump trade shadow and tax deal making
US small caps rally
France expects other EU members to join the tax
fight against online companies like Amazon, Google
10-yr Trys yield at 2.18% vs 2.19% yesterday
10-yr Bund yield at 0.41% vs 0.40% yesterday
BoE surprisingly very hawkish yesterday, opening the door
to 1.3500
If USD takes a hit after today’s retail sales, can march
higher towards 1.4000
Despite heavy short specs betting on Brexit mess
In case of risk off mood, can do much better than gold
As it trades at huge discount to it
Lautenschlaeger (0815 GMT)
Sep 19-20 FOMC – not expecting anything special
Fed is on the way
to start USD 10 bln tapering as of Oct 1
Sep 21 – Brexit – a major speech from May expected
Is UK sort of
reshuffling priorities or looking at a reset of talks?
Oct 18 – China
National Congress
Oct 26 ECB
Should you have any questions feel free to contact me
Good luck Champs!
Mr Hawk
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