Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Nov 15, 2017 - Story of the Week: Comparing old and new economy...General Electric and Tesla

As there are lots of questions about what’s next in equity space let’s compare stocks from old and new economy – GE and Tesla.

General Electric – a time to buy after almost 50% decline from 2016 peak and recent fall?

Still on the weak side as investors digest the overhaul plans with question marks about the success
Aligning dividend payout to cash flow generation
To cut underperforming divisions (USD 20 bln), long-term bonuses
To focus on aviation, healthcare and renewable energy equipment

More in article: General Electric Slashes Its Dividend 50% As CEO Flannery Resets Ailing Conglomerate  link

General Electric Cuts Dividend by Half and Slashes Profit Goals  link

GE weekly – with decline of 46% from 2016 peak

Source: Saxo Bank

GE daily – decline of 14% over the last two sessions after CEO announce dividend cut and overhaul of the business

Source: Saxo Bank 

Tesla – a short candidate on a strong history of cash burning?

Financial performance deteriorates - structural unprofitability likely
Most cash raised recently is already burnt - next equity sale looms
Institutional ownership declines - distribution continues
Management churn accelerates - corporate culture looks damaged
Only the story matters - the stock remains a trade vehicle

More in article: Tesla Approaches Terminal Decline  link

Tesla weekly – up 101% from 2016 low

Source: Saxo Bank

Tesla daily – a 21% decline from Sep 2017 peak

Source: Saxo Bank

Should you have any questions feel free to contact me anytime.

Good luck Champs!

Mr Hawk

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