A short review
USD slightly better but still under pressure from investors
doubts about Trump policies
No corporate news supporting stocks higher, just reactions
to Trump administration (executive orders on Keystone XL and Dakota pipelines)
DAX likely to break 11 692 today (watch Ifo data)
US earnings – strongest growth in operating profits but
revenue is lackluster so far
Brasil – US banks published notes yesterday on tactical
longs as the economy is turning around
EZ macro still improving
EU-Canada trade deal ready for EU Parliament vote
Brexit – US – EU/Merkel
May flying to US to meet with Trump on Friday
Hoping for a support deal but it is very unlikely
Trump likes to hammer the deals on one-on-one basic, not
comfortable with supranational bodies like EU is
Also not comfortable with Angela Merkel who represents the
continuity and pragmatic approach
This is something that doesn’t go well with his strategy of
creating chaos and headlines
Ifo survey data (GE) expected higher
CBI Industrial trends (UK) seen positive this month
Consumer Confidence Index (BR) seen positive again after
three months
USD 3-month LIBOR steadily ticking higher (data as of
Jan 17, 2017)
Good luck Champs!
Mr Hawk
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