Short review
- Trump/Mexico – 20%
import tax mirrors the Trump’s view of doing serious business with Mexico
- Saw some position squaring ahead of next week FOMC and NFPs
- BoJ was active within
5-10 year bond space what helped USDJPY higher; this action came after
announcement that BoJ will not act within shorter maturities space
- BoJ trying to manage the yield curve (yields around 0.1% level but the effect is translated into JPY moves only and not really affecting bond yields
- Is Kuroda testing the market?
- US equities in uptrend,
supported also by strong earnings
- More EU names to report
next week what will keep equity markets busy
- Microsoft doing well in
cloud business
- Bit of consolidation in
- Italian and Portuguese
bonds having hard times what may be on the account of speculation/opinion
clash about QE taper from ECB
- While ECB is pushing
back any talks about QE taper, bond market is already pre-positioning for
such a move
- Longer maturities are
reacting, pushing Italian and Portuguese yields higher (where they may
eventually trade without QE)
- Bund yields also heading
higher thus lowering the spread with US Treasuries (very last picture
bottom right)
- Theresa May meeting
Trump today; more at link
- Trump to speak with
Putin on the phone tomorrow
Good luck Champs!
Mr Hawk
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