Trump administration really don’t like weak
- We will very likely hear more and more from Washington on EUR strength in the future
- As all comments come as a part of Trump marketing campaign
and the plan to knock lower USD in order to support bringing jobs home
- Don't they recall the time when EURUSD was printing the highs around 1.6000 back in July 2008 and trading around 1.4000 level just back in May 2014?
- Or do they really believe that ECB still running a QE due to low core inflation, issues in Italy and political risks in EU, and Fed getting closer to hiking rates more and more is a currency manipulation? One would say it is a monetary policy divergence at this point of economic cycle with its natural consequences
- The Trump offensive keeps going on and making more and more
adversaries then partners what may turn negative for US in mid-term
Good luck Champs!
Mr Hawk
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